Products CSCRIE products introduction

Sealing Film for real-time PCR
(Sealing Film for PCR plate)

Sealing film for PCR plate
compatible with PCR and real-time PCR.

PCR, clear, film, sealing

PCR, clear, film, sealing

Key Features

・Low autofluorescence

・Comatible with both PCR and real-time PCR.
・Pressure sensitive sealing film.
・Sterilized with gamma ray.
・Heat resistance (-20 to 110C).

Consistent quality and safety in manufacturing in super clean room

factory, supler clean room, ISO class I

Products manufactured in the ISO class 1 super clean room environment delivers reliable and quality Products.
※ISO class 1 standard: 10 or less pcs of 0.1 um trash in 1 cubic meter

Performance evaluation

The effects of differences in clear seal transparency, etc. on qPCR were evaluated from the results of (i) Amplification curves, (ii) Calibration curves and (iii) Melting curves. Here are the results.

We compared the data by using different source of PCR sealing film.


Result shows that CS CRIE’s PCR sealing film gave comparable data against competitors products, in terms of amplification curves, calibration curves and melting curves.

CS CRIE's PCR sealing film is recommended for the researchers, seeking for following solution ;

✓Cost reduction for PCR sealing films

✓ Quality PCR sealing film

✓ Easy handling


Stem cell biologist | Private university

In real-time PCR experiment, there is a concern that performance (cost-effectiveness) decreases if the cost of consumable materials is reduced.
However, this clear seal is cheaper than the conventional one and the data accuracy is satisfactory. This type of experiment is always large in quantity, so the total cost has dropped significantly. In addition, since it is stably supplied through strict quality control in production, it does not waste valuable experiments and samples under any circumstances. Based on this background, this seal has now become the standard for this experimental protocol in our laboratory and has become an indispensable consumable article.

Product video

Product details・Online order

PCR, clear, film, sealing

Product name Microplate clear seal for real-time PCR
Applications PCR・real-time PCR (pressure bonding type)



138 mm×78 mm
(without tab: 119 mm×78 mm)


100 pieces

Temperature Range

-20 to 110°C


Product Code Description Q’ty Price
R-CSC004-01 Microplate clear seal for real-time PCR 100 pieces Contact us
R-CSC004-02 100 pieces x 5 boxes



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