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Seeing is believing – Free your labels from frosts in the freezer

Imagine the (lab) world where no frosts on the top label of your sample tubes – What does this bring you?


Clear visibility has significant value to your experiments. First, you will save your time to find out samples of interest. Wiping frosts on the top of tubes after taking them from freezer is a time-waster, if you have many samples. Moreover, such wiping step may erase sample information or break the labels. Second, to find out samples of interest under ambient temperature, if it takes a long time, that may cause some damages to the samples.


CS CRIE’s Anti-Frost Label Protector offers a solution for you.

This clear label is designed to protect your sample labels from frosts. Simple step – just attaching this label to your markings. What else? This protection label also resistant to water and ethanol!


Seeing is believing – you can see the label to find out samples without asking to your neighbors.


Any questions? Contact us now and get more details from our specialist.

Products on this e-news

anti-frost protector, 凍結保護シール



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